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How Dryer Vent Cleaning Saved Homes from Potential Disasters

Why Dryer Vent Cleaning is Essential

When it comes to your home’s safety, dryer vent cleaning is often overlooked. However, a clogged dryer vent can cause many problems, like decreased efficiency, higher energy bills, and even lead to fire hazards. In this article, we’ll share real-life examples of close calls and disasters to show why dryer vent cleaning is important in keeping your home safe.

What is Dryer Vent Cleaning?

Dryer vent cleaning is a process that cleans up any lint, debris or other blockages in the dryer’s vents. As you use the dryer, lint from clothes and fabrics collects inside the vents over time.  It can block the air vent, which reduces the dryer’s efficiency and causes overheating issues. Regular dryer vent cleaning significantly reduces the risk of any fire and also increases the dryer’s efficiency.

The Risks of Not Cleaning Your Dryer Vents

If you don’t clean your dryer vent regularly, it can lead to blockages due to lint buildup. It can pose several risks, including higher energy bills, reduced dryer efficiency, and even increased risk of a fire. Usually, the buildup in the dryer vents is lint from the clothes. This lint is highly flammable, and as the dryer heats up, the risk of the lint catching fire increases. According to the US Fire Administration, the dryers are the main reason behind over 15,000 fires every year, and many of these could have been prevented with regular dryer vent cleaning. Here are some real-life stories of how dryer vent cleaning saved or could have saved homes from potential disasters:

  • A Reddit user shared that he found his dryer vent was almost completely blocked with lint after he moved into a new house. He initially ignored the situation and thought it wasn’t that serious of a problem. But after some day, he saw smoke coming out of their dryer vent. He immediately called the fire department, who dealt with the situation, and advised him to have his dryer vents cleaned by a professional dryer vent cleaning service.
  • Another Reddit user who works in a disaster recovery service wrote that the dryer vents are extremely dangerous when clogged. The lint is very flammable and when the vents are closed, accumulated lint can catch fire due to excessive heat from the dryer. He noted that many times, extensive damage and costly repairs could have been avoided with regular dryer vent maintenance.
  • Just recently, the Cambridge Fire Department posted an incident on their website. A dryer caught fire at midnight in a high-rise residential building. Fortunately, the fire was discovered soon, and the firefighters quickly extinguished the fire with no loss of precious lives. However, there was significant loss of property that could have been avoided if the dryer’s vents were clean. The fire department advises getting your dryer vents professionally cleaned at least once a year to avoid such incidents.

Read More: How Often Should You Clean Your Dryer Vents for Maximum Efficiency

How Do You Know If Your Dryer Duct Needs Cleaning?

Experts recommend getting your dryer vents professionally cleaned at least once a year. If you use your dryer frequently or have a large household, more frequent cleanings may be necessary. Some signs your dryer vent might need cleaning are:

  • Clothes take longer to dry

If your clothes are still damp after as much as 45 minutes or more, it might be time to clean your dryer vent. Lint and other debris build up in the dryer vents and block the airflow. This blockage reduces the efficiency of the dryer, and it takes much longer to dry clothes.

  • The dryer is running hot

If your dryer or clothes feel hot to the touch, it might be because the exhaust vent isn’t working properly. Due to restricted airflow, the hot air from the dryer can’t escape. The dryer has to work harder, and thus gets hot. If the problem is not fixed, the dryer might get out of order and need costly repairs. 

  • The dryer emits a burning smell

A burning smell is a sign of a fire hazard and indicates your dryer vents are clogged. Turn off your dryer immediately if you smell something burning. The smell could be from the dryer overheating, or even from the lint catching fire.

  • Increased Energy Bills

If you notice your energy bills are going up without any apparent cause, it might be due to your dryer. If the dryer vents are blocked, the dryer takes longer to dry the same load, which means it consumes more energy than before.

Looking for Professional Dryer Vent Cleaning Services?

Regular dryer vent cleaning is necessary to deal with safety hazards like fire risks. Choosing a reliable and trustworthy service is important for maintaining your dryer’s efficiency and safety.

At Delta Dryer Vent Cleaning, we provide thorough and reliable dryer vent cleaning services. Our expert team uses modern technology and specialized equipment to ensure your home stays safe from any hazard. Don’t wait for a disaster—Contact us and schedule your dryer vent cleaning today.

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