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How Often Should I Schedule Coil Cleaning?

Coil Cleaning

A properly functioning air conditioning system is all you need during sweltering summer days. Maintaining the coils is essential to ensuring a top-notch AC condition.

The coils remove heat from the inside of your house to the outside, allowing cool temperatures and high indoor air quality. These coils are delicate and require timely cleaning for consistent efficiency.

In this blog, we’ll explain the importance of AC coils and how frequently they require cleaning.

The Two Types of Coils

Even though it seems the AC is adding cool air to your home, the accurate description would be that it’s extracting the hot air to the outside. Two different coils, an evaporator and a condenser, help with this process.

  • Evaporator coil: Installed within the AC unit, these coils draw out the hot and humid indoor air and add it to the vaporized coolant.
  • Condenser coil: Once the hot air is collected, the coolant is transferred to the outside AC unit, where the condenser coil resides. As the name suggests, the condenser coils turn the vaporized heat-containing coolant back to liquid form and release the heat to the outdoor air.

Why Cleaning AC Coils Is Important

Now that we know the two types of coils, let’s explore why it’s vital to clean them.

  • Improved Cooling Efficiency

Over time, dirt and debris can clog the coils, causing the AC system to work twice as hard to maintain temperature and remarkably high electricity bills due to increased energy consumption. Coil cleaning is a simple way to protect the cooling system’s efficiency and reduce bill increments.

  • High Indoor Air Quality

If your coils are dirty, unhygienic particles like dust and mold can circulate in your house. To avoid the spread of these allergens and excellent air quality, get your coils cleaned regularly.

  • Preventing AC System Breakdown

Getting a new air conditioner can be quite expensive. Frequent coil cleaning removes the accumulated dirt, resulting in a longer AC lifespan and saving you replacement costs.

Read Also: Ultimate Guide for Air Duct Cleaning in 2024

Factors Affecting Cleaning Frequency

Have you been confused about how often you should get your AC coil cleaned? Don’t worry; we’re here to tell you that. Generally, experts advise getting the coils cleaned twice yearly by professionals, but life isn’t just black and white. The correct answer to this would depend on individual scenarios and factors such as:

Location of the Coil

The outdoor (condenser) coils are exposed to outside pollution and are more likely to get dirt than the indoor (evaporator) coils. Hence, the former coils will be subjected to more frequent cleaning than the latter.

Usage of the Air Conditioner

The number of times you use your air conditioner yearly also plays a crucial role in determining coil cleaning needs. Commercial ACs run the whole year, so their coils and filters need cleaning regularly. Comparatively, residential air conditioning systems are used seasonally and need less cleaning.

Environment Condition

Living in dusty and polluted areas or where construction is happening nearby will repeatedly clog your AC coils with dirt, requiring regular maintenance.

Another factor is the presence of pets; if you have a furry friend who tends to shed a lot, there’s a high chance their dander accumulates on the coils. In this case, checking on your coils every 3-4 months is suitable to see if they need cleaning to maintain optimal AC function.

Indoor Air Quality Maintenance

Dirt-filled coils can be incredibly harmful to the health of individuals with allergies and other respiratory problems. To maintain a healthy air environment, you should prioritize inspecting and cleaning the coils every 2-3 months.

Get Your AC Coils Professionally Cleaned

Occasionally, cleaning the coils is all that is needed to improve an AC’s longevity, performance, and air quality. In general, home-based air conditioning systems require cleaning annually, while commercial ones need it done bi-annually.

However, factors like usage and environment have a major impact on the scheduling of coil cleaning. Remember, an excellent functioning and regularly cleaned air conditioner saves repair and replacement money and provides a clean indoor atmosphere.

Contact Delta Clean Air to experience outstanding AC coil cleaning services and get maximum efficiency from your air conditioners.

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