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What Are the Signs That My Chimney Flue Needs Repair?

chimney flue

Never take the structural integrity of your house for granted, including chimneys. The majority of people let their chimneys’ health go unnoticed, which can have devastating results, such as house fires and chunks of bricks falling. Regularly inspecting and repairing your chimney flue reduces the likelihood of the associated risks. 

In this blog, we’ll explore the details of the danger signs you must watch out for for timely chimney flue repair.

Why Is Maintenance of Your Chimney Flue Vital?

Before jumping onto the warning signs of damaged chimney flues, let’s look at the essentiality of a structurally and functionally sound chimney.

  • Protection from Fumes:

A lot of harmful gasses, like carbon monoxide, pass through your chimney flue. A damaged flue can cause these gasses to leak into your house, which can cause grim health issues.

  • Enhanced and Efficient Ventilation

A well-kept chimney flue ensures the proper functioning of your fireplace and stove through efficient ventilation.

  • A Better Lifespan

Your chimneys are bound to have a long lifespan if you get them repaired promptly. This way, you’ll avoid costly replacements.

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Warning Signs: When To Repair Your Chimney Flue


Deterioration or Cracking of Mortar Joints

Mortar is a paste of different materials that helps keep the bricks glued together. You need to inspect the joints to see if there are any damaged or cracked areas, as that could invite moisture and accelerate the chimney’s deterioration.

In this case, a chimney flue repair is essential, as the structural damage can be hefty.

Bad Condition of the Chimney Crown

Go to your roof and examine the chimney crown for cracks. Remember that the crown is the first defense against harsh weather, so if you find any instability in its integrity, get the chimney repaired promptly.

Spalling and Shaling

Shaling occurs when the flue tiles begin to crumble, and flakes fall into the fireplace’s hearth. A damaged chimney liner is one of the leading causes of a chimney fire; hence, it cannot be left unrepaired. On the other hand, spalling is a similar process in which the outside part of the chimney falls apart due to moisture accumulation.

Both can be a considerable risk and cause significant architectural damage to your house, so a chimney flue repair should be done immediately.

Damages Done By Moisture

Excess moisture is a crucial symptom to look for, as it can damage your chimney’s strength.

  • Efflorescence: Don’t take it lightly if you notice white spots on your chimney masonry. It’s a sign of moisture. The powdery spots indicate water seepage and require a chimney flue repair.
  • Rust and Corrosion: Another evidence of excess moisture in your chimney is the presence of rust on the metal parts, such as the firebox, damper, and even the lintels.
  • Surrounding Wallpaper Damage: The wallpaper damage is a big hint that your chimney has cracks and water infiltration. It’ll be in your best interest to get it checked out by a professional before the damage escalates.

Strange Smell And Inefficient Ventilation In The House

A funky odor in your home indicates a problem with your flue lining. Any cracks in the lining direct the gasses inside your home instead of outside, creating an unsafe environment. Therefore, the process of solving the underlying issues must be expedited.

Additionally, when wood burns, it leaves behind a highly flammable material known as creosote. If this isn’t regularly cleaned up, it can build up and cause an obstruction in the flue, causing improper ventilation.

Difficult To Light Up The Fireplace

Chimney flue in poor condition can also make it hard for a person to start a fire in the fireplace. It’ll take you way longer than average to maintain or start the fire, meaning there’s a problem in your flue that needs fixing.

Ready To Get Your Chimney Flue Repaired?

You need your chimney in top-notch condition to have a perfectly working fireplace or stove, so it’s essential to be aware of the warning signs. 

Contact Delta Clean Air to turn your cracked and un-maintained chimney into looking like a new one. We are a certified company with trained and licensed workers who use eco-friendly products to repair your chimney perfectly.

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